News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Researchers develop new blood test that can detect prostate cancer with a claimed 94% accuracy
Researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom have developed a blood test that can detect prostate cancer with 94 percent accuracy. The 94 percent accuracy rate beats the currently used prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test used around the world, which is only able to accurately detect prostate cancer in one out of four men […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Warning as Merck’s COVID-19 pill molnupiravir is reportedly causing new mutations of the virus
A new study has found that Merck’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) drug molnupiravir, sold under the brand name Lagevrio, is causing new mutations of the virus in patients. But the Big Pharma company denies the accuracy of the study. The new drug-linked mutations were discovered by American and British researchers. These new variants haven’t been studied closely […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Sweden finds Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth elements … but it will take over a decade to start mining them
Swedish state-owned mining company LKAB announced on Thursday, Jan. 12, that it has identified a deposit of more than one million metric tons (1.102 million tons) of rare earth elements, by far the largest known deposit of such minerals in Europe. LKAB announced that the deposit was found in Kiruna, the northernmost city in Sweden, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Study: Electrical stimulation of certain nerves can help people with paralyzing spine injuries walk again
A study has found that people with paralyzing spinal cord injuries may be able to walk again with the help of unique electrical devices that zap certain nerves with electricity. The new study, published on Nov. 9 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Nature, involved both animal and human trials. The researchers pinpointed to a specific group of […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Study finds lasers can blind self-driving cars and make them crash into objects or pedestrians
A study has found that a laser aimed at the guidance system of a self-driving car can disrupt its sensors and trick it into not seeing a pedestrian or another obstacle in its way. In a pre-print study, researchers from the United States and Japan were able to trick a self-driving car – the “victim vehicle,” […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Engineered COVID virus contains DOZENS of synthetic animal venoms
In a recent interview with Dr. Jane Ruby on the “Dr. Jane Ruby Show,” Dr. Bryan Ardis said his initial conclusion regarding the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – that it was made up of two synthesized snake venoms mixed with other genetic material – is wrong. He now believes that the engineered virus is made up of possibly dozens […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Researchers discover “synthetic fingerprint” in genome of SARS-CoV-2, proving it was created in a lab
A new study has concluded that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), has a unique “fingerprint” that proves it could only have originated from a laboratory. The two most common theories regarding the origin of the coronavirus are the natural origin theory and the lab-leak theory. The former claims that the virus […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Pfizer DID NOT test its COVID-19 vaccine for possible effects on male fertility
An analysis of Pfizer’s own documents regarding the development of its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine shows that the vaccine was not properly tested for possible adverse effects on male fertility. Later tests showed that the vaccine was actually harmful to sperm. This analysis was conducted by Amy Kelly, program director for Steve Bannon’s program “war […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Forever no more? Scientists discover new, low-cost way to break down certain types of “forever chemicals”
A team of scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Northwestern University have discovered a new and cheap way of breaking down the “forever chemicals” that continue to pollute the planet. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are commonly used in non-stick pans, water-repellant fabrics and food packaging. They are known as “forever chemicals” because of their […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Plant-based ROADS? Iowa researchers to pave roads using soybeans and recycled asphalt
Researchers at Iowa State University (ISU) who accidentally discovered soy-based asphalt technology will be making this groundbreaking discovery nationally available for commercial use by next year. The ISU researchers have been testing the product, known as the “Invigorate Rejuvenator,” for roughly a decade. They recently launched SoyLei Innovations, from where they are developing the rejuvenator – a compound […]
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