News & Articles By Rita Winters
By Rita Winters
New spacesuit could save astronaut lives with a “take me home” button could be ready in 5 years, making space walks safer
One of the benefits of being an astronaut is that you get to “walk” in space. Free from the tethers of gravity and terrain, astronauts get to explore weightlessness with the best possible view of our planet and the solar system. If you’ve watched the 2013 movie, “Gravity,” a spacewalk is one of the most […]
By Rita Winters
Researchers are developing light therapy as a non-invasive, alternative treatment for disease
Artificial light has both its risks and benefits, but a new study shows that it may be the solution to minimally invasive, drug-free treatments. Researchers are currently developing new ways using infrared neuromodulation to treat cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), hypertension (high blood pressure), asthma, sleep apnea (suspension of breathing during sleep), diarrhea, and other diseases. […]
By Rita Winters
Your body’s ability to self-heal nerves in the brain can be compromised by a toxic internal environment – will researchers look for the diet connection?
Nobody can explain the processes of the brain fully, but there are some things we do know about it, such as the brain’s ability to repair itself called neuroregeneration. When the nerve fibers of the brain lose its protective coating, called myelin, the brain sends adult stem cells to regenerate a new myelin sheet. This process […]
By Rita Winters
Underwater geology: Scientists have discovered that ocean currents create avalanches, rivers and other seafloor infrastructure changes
We know more about space than the behavior and structure of the ocean deep. Scientists recently discovered that deep ocean currents cause sediment avalanches and changes to rivers and the sea floor. The team of scientists responsible for this discovery is led by Maria Azpiroz-Zabala, Dr. Matthieu Cartigny, professors Peter Talling, Dan Parsons and Mike […]
By Rita Winters
Brains over body: Scientists say our brains are “selfish” when it comes to energy
The phrase “brains over brawn” may actually be true. Science shows that in a scenario where an individual uses both at the same time, the brain receives much more energy than the muscles. The “selfish brain” theory Researchers found that if strenuous physical and cognitive efforts are exerted at the same time, the brain is […]
By Rita Winters
“Custom” clothes could soon have a new meaning: Climate control technology for your threads, coming soon
Scientists are awesome. They provide solutions to environmental problems, find new discoveries, and have even thought of developing clothing that adapts to your body’s heat. Dr. Carla Silva, chief technology officer, and her team at the Center for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials in Porto, Portugal states that the wearable climate-control technology will be available in about […]
By Rita Winters
Sci-fi in real life: Scientists have developed a “smart fabric” that can store data in your clothes, without electronics
One of the benefits of the modern world is that you get to see and experience inventions that make life easier. You’ve heard about wearable technology like healing gloves and climate-controlled shirts. Another type of smart clothing has just been developed, and it can store data and unlock your doors. At the University of Washington, […]
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