News & Articles By Russel Davis
By Russel Davis
Scientists detect more strange signals from outer space… is somebody trying to talk to us?
Space scientists observing a distant dwarf star in the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico recently reported picking up strange radio pulses between April and May this year. According to reports, the scientists observed strange signals emitted by Ross 128 (GJ447), around 11 light years away, on 12 May at 1.53 a.m. (BST). Ross 128 is a small red dwarf […]
By Russel Davis
Inventor claims device will enable tech-augmented “telepathy” to function within a decade
Technology firm Openwater is currently developing a tech-augmented headwear that will help experts see the body in great detail. According to the company, the technology will work through a piece of clothing like a ski-hat lined with LCDs. The headwear will then be illuminated with infrared light, which will enable the detection of various health woes […]
By Russel Davis
Easter Island ancient people didn’t die off from destroying their ecosystem, new study confirms
Contrary to popular belief, ancient inhabitants of Easter Island or Rapa Nui in Chile did not recklessly trash their ecosystem that lead to their eventual collapse, a recent study revealed. “The traditional story is that over time the people of Rapa Nui used up their resources and started to run out of food. One of the resources […]
By Russel Davis
Mediterranean Diet found to slash risk of dementia by 35%
A recent study carried out by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco revealed that following a Mediterranean-style diet may mitigate the risk of developing dementia. The Mediterranean diet, which includes mostly oily fish, vegetables and nuts, has long been touted as a highly effective diet scheme against a plethora of diseases. As part of the […]
By Russel Davis
Scientists: No detectable limit of human lifespan… people could technically live forever
A new study published in Nature’s website countered a previously set limit on maximum human lifespan. To carry out the study, a team of biologists at the McGill University examined he lifespan of the longest-living people from the U.S., the U.K., France, and Japan for each year since 1968. The experts did not observe a limit on human lifespan, as […]
By Russel Davis
Cannabinoids can successfully kill leukemia cells, reveals groundbreaking new study
A recent study published in International Journal of Oncology revealed that cannabinoids, the active chemical in cannabis, can destroy leukemia cells either alone or in combination with other cancer treatments. The scientific community has long-established that cannabinoids may show potential in cancer treatment, with certain varieties known to promote cell death, curb cell growth, and inhibit tumor-inducing blood […]
By Russel Davis
Powerful anti-cancer compound in red onions found to “destroy” cancer tumors
A study published in Food Research International revealed that red onions contain powerful antioxidants that effectively kill cancer cells. As part of the study, a team of researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, examined five varieties of onions and tested their anti-cancer compounds against lab-grown colon cancer cells. The health experts found that red onions effectively eliminated colon […]
By Russel Davis
Scientists developing laser robot that can zap weeds without using pesticides
A team of researchers from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the University of Bonn in Germany are currently developing a robotic tool that readily identifies weeds and shoots laser to eliminate them, thus reducing the need to use herbicides. The project received an EXIST Business Start-up Grant from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. […]
By Russel Davis
Compound in turmeric found to suppress viruses, including hepatitis, herpes, chikungunya, influenza-A, HIV and HPV
The turmeric compound curcumin was found to effectively suppress a large number of viruses, recent studies showed. The compound was previously known to defer cancer growth, resolve Lichen Panus, reduce type-2 diabetes and prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia onset. However, a new article published in listed several other studies indicating that the compound was able to […]
By Russel Davis
Scientists successfully 3D print human cartilage with a breakthrough stem cell printer
Recently, Swedish scientists successfully developed cartilage tissue by printing stem cells through a 3D bioprinter. As part of the study, a team of researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy and the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden harvested cartilage cells from knee surgery patients. The experts then coaxed the cells into becoming pluripotent stem cells. These stem cells were touted for their potential […]
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