News & Articles By Virgilio Marin
By Virgilio Marin
Model for plasma flow on the Sun reveals secrets behind sunspots and other solar phenomena
Scientists have studied the Sun for a long time. But solar phenomena such as sunspots have remained a mystery. Researchers from the University of Washington attempted to solve the puzzle by creating a model of the Sun’s plasma flow. They showed that a thin layer beneath its surface plays a vital role in the formation of sunspots and other solar features. This […]
By Virgilio Marin
Astronomers detect signs of life on Venus
An international team of researchers found evidence of a gas on Venus that could indicate the planet may harbor life. The gas in question is phosphine, a colorless chemical compound that smells like garlic or decaying fish. It is commonly produced by microorganisms on Earth in the absence of oxygen or by the breakdown of organic matter. The team […]
By Virgilio Marin
Ancient Chinese texts may be the oldest surviving anatomical atlas, study finds
A series of ancient Chinese texts more than two millennia old are the world’s earliest surviving anatomical atlas, claims a study published in the Anatomical Record. The texts were unearthed in the 1970s in the Mawangdui burial site, where Marquis Dai, his wife Lady Dai and their son were entombed. Researchers from Bangor University in Wales and […]
By Virgilio Marin
Study: “Gateway” region near Jupiter causes small celestial bodies to change their orbit
A study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters discovered a pathway that explains how small celestial bodies called centaurs arrive from the outer solar system into Earth’s neighborhood. The researchers said that a gateway region near Jupiter is causing centaurs to change their orbits. Once they pass through this region, most centaurs eventually join a group called the Jupiter-family comets – short-period comets […]
By Virgilio Marin
Challenging assumptions about the universe: Study suggests black holes could be made of dark energy
A hypothetical form of black holes gets a second look after researchers from the University of Hawai?i at M?noa corrected a subtle error on previous models simulating the expansion of the universe. Scientists call this “black hole” General Object of Dark Energy (GEODE): It looks like a black hole from the outside but is made of […]
By Virgilio Marin
Solar telescope offers unprecedented glimpse into the Sun
Scientists can take a better look at the Sun after a European team of researchers upgraded a solar telescope called GREGOR, located at the Teide Observatory in the Canary Islands. Recent observations using the telescope offer a spectacular, unprecedented glimpse into the Sun’s surface. An image captured magnetic structures, which resembled the craggy, golden texture of popcorn. Another […]
By Virgilio Marin
Rare isotope suggests the solar system has been passing through supernova debris for 33,000 years
The solar system has been traveling through the remains of exploded stars for at least 33,000 years, suggests a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The Earth is currently passing through a field of debris called the local interstellar cloud. This debris field is composed of the remnants from old […]
By Virgilio Marin
Fragments of a rare meteorite shower small Brazilian town
Thousands of people flocked a small town in Brazil after fragments of a rare meteor fell from the sky on August 19. Up to 200 pieces have been recovered so far, and there may be more left waiting to be found. The biggest meteorite fragment found so far weighed 88 pounds and was estimated to be worth about […]
By Virgilio Marin
A massive star went missing without leaving any trace, astronomers say
A massive dying star disappeared in 2019 without leaving any trace. Clues to its sudden absence led an international team of astrophysicists to theorize that the old star may have been obscured by a giant cloud of dust. Otherwise, said the scientists, it could have turned into a black hole without going supernova – a first […]
By Virgilio Marin
‘Oumuamua asteroid may really be alien technology; it accelerates under its own power
In 2017, astronomers discovered a strange object that entered and then left the solar system. They called it ‘Oumuamua, and it is the first-ever interstellar object identified by scientists. The leading theory for what ‘Oumuaua is suggests that it’s a hydrogen comet. But there are key problems to this theory. For one, a hydrogen comet would have fallen […]
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